December 11, 2015 6:33 AM / by Joshua Ballard Joshua Ballard

What Do I Mean By Lead Tracking?

Lead tracking is more than simply asking yourself “Do I have any leads?”

It is also a lot more than simply counting how many leads are coming in.

What you need to be doing, is tracking more actionable data from these potential customers coming in.

The more information you have, the more you can analyze. The more you can analyze, then the better you can allocate future time and resources, and the better you can tune your sales and marketing efforts.

Step 1: Record Their Contact Details

Now this one probably seems pretty obvious, you need to know who they are and some information about them; as well as be able to make contact with them again in the future.

It is surprising however, just how many people will have contact from a lead, and then leave it up to the lead to then make the next point of contact!

Push for an email address at least, and a phone number, and any other information that may be useful

Step 2: Use a Functionable CRM

You may think that your scrap paper system works a treat, it doesn’t.

The likelihood that you will record some meaningful information on a piece of scrap paper is not really that low admittedly. However the likelihood of you utilising that scrap paper (or even having it on hand) when you need it is minimal!

Use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software package that will allow you to quickly and easily pull up all the information that you could possibly want!

This way it is always accessible (assuming like everyone else in today s society you are operating with a smart phone), you can search with ease and complete lack of fumbling paper, and you can record all the information and notes you could ever want.

Don’t have a CRM, or yours is not operating the way you would like?

Step 3: Record As Much Personal Info as Possible

The reason people feel all warm and fuzzy when someone else remembers a small detail from their life, such as their mother’s dog’s name, is because it is flattering that someone has been mindful enough of their life to even remember the small details they have been told.

Your CRM is going to help you cheat this psychological pre-disposition. Record everything you can (within reason), even if its just one or two small talk points such as “how was your holiday in Bali”

More personal information will also help you in mapping out larger trends in the demographics and personas of your customer base

Step 4: Record What Date They Made Contact

Keep a record, within your CRM, of when the lead initially made contact. If possible, it is always great when your CRM can track from their contact form just how long they have been active on your website ( ask me how this is possible )

Step 5: Record What Date They Converted

Quite often, depending on your industry, this may be the same day as the day that they made contact.

I was running the stats on a company with a great sales team, and we could see that 35% of their leads converted to sales on the same day that they entered the system! (this is not always on the first contact by the way)

You may find that your leads can take up to a few weeks, months even, before they are ready to pull the trigger on the sale.

Step 6: Record Where They Heard About You

This is the most important step for your marketing efforts!

This data will allow you to assess each of your marketing activities on both how many leads they are bringing in, and the quality of the leads that they are bringing in!

Step 7: Action Your Data!

The most important step is to actually do something with all of the data that you have been collecting!

If you see that your leads are less likely to convert into sales after 3 weeks, then that tells you to follow up hard 3 weeks after the inquiry and then start to slow it down a little, perhaps opting for an email rather than taking the time for a call

Start using the personal information as small talk at the beginning of your sales calls, really take the extra edge that you can with that rapport building!


Knowledge is Power!

The more knowledge you have access to of your business, your industry and your customer base then the better you can grwo your business!

Topics: Lead Tracking

Joshua Ballard

Joshua Founded Paradox Marketing with the goal of providing high quality Inbound Marketing services. Above all he values efficiency, transparency and communication.

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